Storia Coffee Blonde Beer

Storia Coffee Blonde Beer Launch

About Storia Coffee Blonde

We’ve partnered with the incredibly talented team at Hoodletown Brewery, our neighbor in downtown Dover, Ohio, and they’ve created a masterpiece: Storia Coffee Blonde. This treat of a beer features a combination of sweetness, caramel and honey malts, coffee, cacao nibs, and vanilla creating a convincing caramel mocha flavor.

We supplied many gallons of our House Cold Brew made with Storia House Blend coffee.

Our House is composed of coffee from an organic, female owned farm in Honduras, blended with an amazing Brazil that’s Rain Forest Alliance certified. These coffees create a bold cold brew with notes of mocha and caramel.

Stop into Hoodletown and try a glass. We’d love to hear what you think!

Try our House Blend for yourself here.

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